
January 8, 2024

Brody & Kelsey – Wedding Reflection

Written By: Marcy Ellis  |  Minute Read
Brody & Kelsey Ellis wedding reflection from biggar bites catering
Posted In: Catering, Reflections

In most cases, when I am catering an event, I typically receive inquiries up to a year in advance. We communicate through email and schedule Zoom meetings to discuss the details. This time, however, I was fortunate enough to already know Brody since the day he was born. Yes, my son got married earlier last summer to the lovely and extraordinary Kelsey.

Their special day took place at Charlie’s Barn up in the charming village of Richard, SK. The venue is perfect for any gathering due to its spacious parking area and ample room for children to play.

The couple decided to treat their guests with a delicious, wholesome supper. They served smoked brisket, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and a variety of salads. Fortunately, I had my wonderful family members there to assist me as our food trailer was occupied at the Biggar Red White and Gold Rodeo in Biggar that weekend.

Brody & Kelsey Ellis - Wedding Catering by Biggar Bites | salad on the side for the main course Brody & Kelsey Ellis - Biggar Bites Wedding Catering | buns on the side for the main course    Marshmallow sticks for a late night snack at Brody & Kelsey's wedding | Biggar Bites Wedding Catering

For a late-night snack option, we offered a taco bar as well as homemade s’more kits for those who wanted to enjoy roasting marshmallows around the fire.

We would like to express our gratitude towards Kelsey and Brody for such an unforgettable day.

Love yah lots, kiddos.

Marcy | Mom

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